Concepts and Features of the object-oriented design principles
Object-Oriented Principles
The features of OOP are the following:
Encapsulation: All important information is contained inside an object, which is considered private, only select information is exposed. This characteristic provides security and avoids unintended data corruption.
Data Abstraction: Is is the implementation of an object, that contains the same essential properties and actions we can find in the original object. Abstraction and Encapsulation work closely because encapsulations hide all the details. For example, a DVD player has an enclosure unit to house logicboard and complex components, the enclosure is your encapsulation and the internal complexity is your abstract. The internal data cannot be manipulated.
Inheritance: Are classes that can reuse code from other classes. It is a mechanism that allows you to eliminate redundant random code.
Poly | morphism = Many | Form
Polyform is a technique that allows you to get rid of long switch and case statements. Objects are design to share behaviors and they can take on more than one forms. It allows different type of objects to pass through the same interface.
Figure 1 below, shows the benefits of OOP
Note: "Object-Oriented Programming in 7 Minutes from Mosh, (2018) Object-oriented Programming in 7 minutes | Mosh
The concepts or building blocks of OOP
OOP focuses on the objects/data that we can manipulate. An object can be defined as a data file that has unique attributes and behavior. The first step is to collect all of the objects a programmer wants to manipulate and identify how they relate to each other, for example:
Once the object is known, it is labeled with a "Class" of objects that defines the kind of data it contains and any logic that can manipulate. See sample structure below:
Class: Human
Attributes: Name, Age, Email
Object: Name
Methods (behavior): Walk, send email
Below are the methods of installing the Java Development kit. The link below the screenshot will take you directly to this site where you will download Java Standard Edition (Lont Term Support), which is a version that has long support and is mostly used.
Step 1.
Install Java recommended. Go with all defaults throughout the installation
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